4 Unique Gender Reveal Photo Ideas

The birth of a baby in a family can be one of the most exciting times in life. Gender revealing parties and photo shoots have exploded over the last few years, and hiring a San Francisco Maternity Photographer has become more important than ever. No matter what number child you’re on, revealing the gender to your family and friends (and even maybe you) can be one of the most exciting things to happen in a pregnancy. Here are a few of the most unique gender reveal ideas ever.

Put it In a Cake

One of the most popular methods of revealing gender in the media is using dessert of some kind for the reveal. This is a fun way to also get the parents in on the surprise. You can request that your doctor enclose the gender in an envelope and then you can give the envelope to a baker to make your gender reveal cake or cupcakes. Most of the time this involves a cake with a blank-slated outside with the inside filling or cake colored blue or pink to match the gender.

Use Your Other Children

If you already have children in the picture, utilize them to help announce their new sibling’s gender. One of the most popular options is to buy them clothing announcing if they’re getting a brother or a sister. Other methods may involve them holding up signs in numbering order, with the final number being on mom’s tiny bump.

Launch Colored Balloons

Something else that has become popular in recent months is the unique balloon launch. This is another case where you can get the parents in on the surprise by having balloons of a particular color blown up with helium and then taped up in a box. Then, in front of your family and friends, you open up the box to release the colored balloons into the air.

Decorate the Bump

One of the final ways to get the word out is to decorate your growing baby bump in some way. Setting blocks on top of your belly spelling out the gender or name is one popular method. Other ways may include tying a colored ribbon with a bow around your tummy or setting colored booties atop the growing bump as well.

As you can see, there are a lot of creative ideas for your gender reveal photo shoot. Your family and friends will be so excited for the birth of your newest little one with these awesome and unique ideas. If you are pregnant, be sure to find a great San Francisco Maternity Photographer, San Francisco Family Photographer, or San Francisco Newborn Photographer for your gender reveal photo shoot.